Favourite Flavour

it's nutrient-rich crap though. (hey i'm drawing in pencil again!)

shout-out & thanks to patreon subscriber Chree, who says "Spay and neuter your pets."

for those of you who remember, i've been battling an RSI injury for the past year and it forced me to put the comic on hold back in march. it has thoroughly sucked, and i'm still not 100%, but just being able to draw again on a regular basis makes me feel REBOOOORN and full of comicky life.

i think i've got a much healthier attitude about it now too. part of the reason i dropped drawing digitally was the infinite potential of undo-redo hell. you can nit all your picks until your brain explodes, and that was part of what led to my injury. plus i just like pencil, man.

anyway, thanks for reading. this is officially the start of volume 2 of smiling ribs. i'll put out a print version of volume 1 sometime when i can. exciting! fun!! work work work. it feels good.

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